Form R - hazMIN

Form R

includes the tools to accumulate your annual usage and release data based upon your SDSs to accurately produce your Form R report.

Form R reporting requires the aggregation of your TRI-reportable chemicals across all of your hazardous materials usage and releases.

EPCRA - Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) Form R Reporting

EPCRA Toxics Release Inventory Form R Reporting

The Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA) of 1986 was created to help communities plan for emergencies involving hazardous substances. EPCRA requires hazardous chemical emergency planning by federal, state and local governments, Indian tribes, and industry. It also requires industry to report on the storage, use and releases of hazardous chemicals to federal, state, and local governments.

EPA enforces requirements under EPCRA to ensure that facilities are prepared for chemical emergencies and report any releases of hazardous or toxic chemicals. EPCRA requires that citizens be informed of hazardous or toxic chemical releases in their area. Industrial facilities must annually report releases and transfers of certain hazardous or toxic chemicals. This information is publicly available in the Toxic Release Inventory (TRI) database.

EPA and the state regulatory bodies verify EPCRA compliance through a comprehensive EPCRA compliance monitoring program; which includes inspecting facilities, reviewing records, and implementing enforcement action where necessary. The EPCRA compliance assistance program provides businesses, federal facilities, local governments, and tribes with tools to help meet environmental regulatory requirements.

Basics of TRI Reporting

Facilities Prepare and Submit Forms
July 1
TRI Forms Due to EPA
Ongoing Data Processing and Analysis
TRI National Analysis Available

To learn more about the EPA, and the Emergency Planning and Community Right To Know Act, visit:

EPCRA Form R Resources

(External Links)

Toxic Chemical Release Inventory Reporting Forms and Instructions (2016)

186 Page PDF. The complete 2016 release of Section 313 of the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act.

EPA Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) Program Question & Answer Page

Common questions with answers are provided. Including what new for this year and who is required to file Form R reports.

Archived TRI Reporting Forms and Instructions

Reporting Forms and Instructions by Reporting Year.


hazMIN SDS Online Management Building Blocks
SDS Management
TRI-reportable SDS components are the cornerstone of Form R reporting.
Regulated Substance Database
Determines which SDS components are Form R reportable on your SDS.
Chemical Inventory
Documents the usage and releases of your hazardous materials and waste.
Environmental Reporting
Crunches the chemical inventory and TRI-reportable chemicals into your Form R threshold and releases reports.
Task Management (Optional)
Assign Form R reporting responsibilities, track deadlines, and document reporting compliance.

Learn more about hazMIN by Logical Technology, Inc.

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