Regulated Substance Database (RegSub™) is more than a "list of lists". In addition to providing the regulatory and/or advisory authority governing a hazardous material, the Regulated Substance Database includes pertinent chemical-specific information from the source.
For example, the OSHA PEL's, the ACGIH and SARA Tier II TLV's, RCRA Waste codes, DOT Labels, Hazard Class 313 Reportable, Heavy Metals, VOC's, etc. are included.
This information is available from countless sources. However, LOGICAL has compiled EPA, OSHA, DOT, state, advisory and international information to form one cohesive regulatory database.
Certainly - that is, if it was possible.
First, the information is not available electronically from many of the sources.
Second, most of the regulating and advisory sources seem to have their "pet" names for hazardous chemicals. The information from regulatory and advisory sources would only be linked to these specific names.
RegSub™ links all of the information from different sources. This assures that for any one chemical, regulations and advisory information are tied together regardless of the names used in the original sources. This is a tremendous task with obvious benefits to our customers.
Quality is a multilevel process. LOGICAL dedicates full-time editors to maintaining the RegSub™ Database. The staff works directly with the regulating agency or advisory group to ensure that we are providing the most current information to our customers. When there is a question about the presentation of the information in the original source, the staff obtains confirmation, from the authoring body, that the intended presentation in the RegSub™ Database will be consistent with the original source. When the regulatory database is transferred to the programming staff for inclusion in the software, it is checked again to ensure that the data has not been altered.
The RegSub™ editors go to great lengths to document each and every source. The bibliography, which is included with the regulatory database, documents the exact reference that was used. You are encouraged to use this bibliography to verify any and all information. It is online for your review.
Our customers determine our priorities. Therefore, maintaining the existing information is our first priority. If a source updates a substance list, this information is included in our next release. On a periodic basis, we will review the current publication of a source against the RegSub™ Database. Even though the source may not have publicized any changes, we will verify that they have not incorporated changes.
Our second priority involves the addition of new lists. These new lists will come at the direct request of customers. Frequently a new customer has a specific state or regional list that they want included in the RegSub™ Database. We enter the list and then make it available to all customers. Consequently, the maintenance of that list becomes a part of first priority.
RegSub™ includes both the US TSCA and Canadian DLS inventories.
The TSCA requires EPA to compile, keep current, and publish a list of each chemical substance that is manufactured or processed in the United States. Since the final TSCA Inventory Reporting Rule on December 23, 1977, the TSCA Inventory has grown to include the identities of over 83,000 chemical substances. Substances not on the TSCA Inventory are considered "new" chemicals and shall be notified to EPA through Remanufacture Notice (PMN).
DSL and the NDSL are created in accordance with the CEPA by Environment Canada. Substances that are not on the DSL may require notification and assessment before they can be manufactured or imported into Canada. Substances on the NDSL have different notification requirements.