Yes. This can be done by the end user without any custom programming by LOGICAL. hazMIN® only requires a comma delimited text file and a certain order to the information. The documentation incorporated into the environmental reporting software will enable you to import your own inventory, usage, and/or waste information.
See LOGICAL Services for more information
hazMIN® includes several lines of support options:
LOGICAL will be there to assure that your implementation will succeed.
See LOGICAL Services for more information
No. If you only want hazMIN® Environmental Reporting to track inventories and compute the annual SARA report, periodic on-hand totals will suffice. hazMIN® Environmental Reporting will compute the average and maximum amounts. You will be able to run the SARA report at either the product or component level.
Yes. hazMIN® Environmental Reporting can compute threshold, SARA, emissions, and release reports for multiple facilities within one copy of the software. You will, though, need to license "additional facilities" for hazMIN® Environmental Reporting.
Yes. When tracking the amount of material going to a process, a percentage of that material may not have been actually "consumed" in the process. To compute emissions on this non-consumed material would overstate emissions. Therefore, hazMIN® mass balances the waste generated from an operation against a set of "consumed" material transactions for that operation.