The Regulated Substance Database includes such lists as: ACGIH Threshold Limit, Clean Water Act, Proposition 65, OSHA Air Contaminants, TSCA Inventory, and more.
What if you could take SDS(s) out of your file cabinet, remove all of the Code of Federal Regulations and various hazardous chemical handbooks off your shelves, and have someone give you a report whenever the two "crossed paths"? Could you afford to pay someone, or take the time yourself, to determine every instance that an component on an SDS is mentioned in a particular CFR, or has been listed as carcinogenic by some recognized authority?
Perhaps you completed a review when you first received that SDS. But, have you checked it lately? More chemicals are being classified as hazardous every day. Did you check all of the synonyms of the components? Are you confident that you understand the information that has been given to you over the years? For every SDS in your file cabinet?
The hazMIN® Regulated Substance Database makes cross-references easy!
Regulations change & corrections are always being posted by regulatory agencies. With RegSub™ you always have the correct information.
Information means nothing if you can't back it up.
RegSub™ includes all original footnotes contained in a advisory or regulatory list. Footnotes are critical to understanding how the chemical is regulated and who is affected by the regulations.
RegSub™ updates included lists, adds new lists, and synonyms.
RegSub™ updates are released whenever regulations change, as well as on a quarterly basis.
RegSub™ maintains updated references for chemicals appearing on both the TSCA and the Canadian DSL.
See (RegSub™) FAQ for more detail on TSCA and DSL.
When paired with hazMIN® you can quickly cross-reference all of your SDS(s) to determine which components appear on any regulatory safety lists.
When used alongside hazMIN® Chemical Inventory Module diagnosing regulatory impact materials or tracking generated waste is just a few clicks away.
A RegSub™ Online subscription gives you access to the most current information 24x7 over the internet. Don't waste time searching through hundreds of sources, installing updates, or loading software. You will have the same data hazMIN® users have, at your fingertips.
This Regulated Substance Database may be licensed for integration into your own applications. For example, some companies have "home-grown" systems which utilize the RegSub™ for generating Material Safety Data Sheets for customers. Some environmental software competitors have even built interfaces for the RegSub™.
Perhaps the best way to understand the power of the Regulated Substance Database Module is to see a sample report. If you would like to see what regulatory and advisory groups have to say about a particular chemical, send our regulatory specialists an email, tell us a little bit about yourself, and give us your "favorite" chemical by clicking on the SAMPLE REPORT button below.
If you're still not sure that you are ready to sign-up today? Why not try the 14-day Free RegSub™ Trial Subscription.
LOGICAL is now offering complimentary RegSub™ Education Subscriptions. Students and faculty of colleges and universities in North America are encouraged to sign up and take advantage of this FREE promotional offer. The RegSub™ Education Subscriptions are being provided to expose students (future environmental engineers, safety professionals, and industrial hygienists) to hazardous chemicals, as well as, the governmental agencies that regulate chemicals and advisory organizations that monitor chemicals.